The Institute of Construction and Building Materials (WiB) at Technische Universität Darmstadt recently hosted an innovative training course as part of the H2020 MIRACLE project, funded by the EU-H2020/FET Open program. The MIRACLE Training Course, which took place from April 26 to April 28, 2023, was a significant event that brought together experts and participants to delve into the latest advancements in photonic concrete technology.

Overview of the Training Course

The course was structured to provide a comprehensive learning experience over three days. The first day was dedicated to reporting the actual results of the MIRACLE project, where participants were updated on the progress and breakthroughs achieved. The second day, termed ‘Modelling Day,’ focused on various modelling techniques employed in the project, including materials modelling, radiative cooling modelling, solar cell modelling, and more. The final day, ‘Experimental Day,’ allowed participants to witness concrete foam generation, foam surface preparation, and experimental testing through hands-on demonstrations.

Detailed Schedule and Sessions

The training course schedule was planned to cover a wide range of topics:

  • Welcome and Project Update: The course began with a welcome address by Prof. Koenders and an update on the MIRACLE project by Dr. Dolado.
  • Lectures: A series of lectures were conducted by experts from CSIC, TUDa, UPNA, TEC, KUL, and PoliTO, covering work packages (WP) from WP1 to WP5.
  • Demonstrations: Participants had the opportunity to engage in demonstrations by CSIC/UPNA/PoliTO and TUDa/KUL, providing practical insights into the technologies discussed.
  • Social Events: The course also included a BBQ and a dinner, fostering networking and collaboration among attendees.


The MIRACLE Training Course was a testament to the collaborative spirit of the MIRACLE project partners and the commitment to advancing knowledge in the field of photonic concrete. Participants left with enhanced understanding, new skills, and valuable connections, marking the event as a milestone in the project’s timeline